Dashboard Archives

Accountability Dashboard

Listening, learning, and reporting back to our community. 


Accountability Dashboard V.2 June - August 2021

The IBR Accountability Dashboard is a transparency tool designed to share engagement metrics and hold the program accountable to the public. Ongoing and inclusive community engagement is critical to identify a solution that balances differing regional perspectives and best serves the complex needs of the variety of users. The metrics below are the results of community engagement efforts conducted from June - August 2021. Additional engagement opportunities will continue throughout the life of the program.


Meetings Held


June - August 2021

Website Visitors


June – August 2021

Social Engagements


June – August 2021

Advisory Committee Meeting Engagement

June – August 2021

Listening Session Participants


June – August 2021

Community Presentations


June – August 2021

Meetings with Caption Services


June – August 2021

Documents Remediated


June – August 2021

Newsletter Subscribers


June – August 2021

Caption Services

June – August 2021

Multilingual Community Liaison Hours

June– August 2021

Comments Received


June - August 2021

Media Stories


June - August 2021


Listening Sessions and Advisory Groups

Sustainability and climate listening session

Participants who attended the Sustainability and Climate Listening Session shared a desire for a multimodal solution, ideas about the size of the program’s footprint, and ideas for how to make the construction phase more sustainable. Overall, participants would like an IBR solution that embodies sustainability best practices and acts as an example other transportation projects will aspire to emulate.

Elevating Equity listening sessions

The Elevating Equity Listening Sessions were a series of nine public meetings focused on generating feedback from equity priority communities. There were two sessions focused on BIPOC, and one session each for older adults, houseless/people with lower income and people living with a disability. The program also held four language-specific listening sessions in Russian, Somali, Vietnamese and Chinese. These sessions had over 130 participants who provided meaningful feedback regarding what areas people frequent, their concerns and our community engagement approach.

Equity Advisory Group Highlights

  1. Developed the draft Equity Framework that outlines the program’s approach and resources it will use to advance equity. Program staff gathered feedback on the first draft of the Framework. Elements of the Framework are already being implemented within the IBR program while the document itself is being refined.
  2. Informed on equity-focused screening criteria for design options;  determining how the various options will be evaluated and identifying criteria and metrics that support our equity objectives.
  3. Helped the program improve the inclusivity of community engagement by recruiting individuals and organizations for Listening Sessions, grant opportunities and Community Working Groups.
  4. Advised on strategies to ensure that our online engagement is accessible to people who are blind or visually impaired.

Community Advisory Group Highlights

  1. Learned about the list of design and transit options and was able to ask questions and provide feedback, with most CAG comments focusing on safety, traffic congestion and an interest in tolling.
  2. Received information on the different types of high-capacity transit being considered and viewed transportation data and modeling from the transportation and environmental teams.
  3. Informed on the list of desired outcomes as it relates to screening criteria from the IBR environmental team.  More information will be presented to CAG regarding climate and equity as it relates to screening criteria, in 2022.

Bridge Stories

What’s your story?

We want to hear your experience using the bridge, what the bridge means to you and the benefits a replacement bridge could provide.

Send your story to info@interstatebridge.org. |  View more bridge stories.

What we've heard and how we're responding

We’ve heard the community values low-barrier engagement options and the opportunity to have meaningful conversations with the program.

We’ve heard community members are interested in learning more about the program’s design process and sharing their feedback.

We’ve heard social media is one of the preferred ways our community would like to be engaged.


The program will continue to share accountability reports and develop additional reporting metrics. The most recent accountability reports include the 2020 Program Progress Report and Draft Conceptual Finance Plan. The Conceptual Finance Plan provides an early and high-level overview of initial estimated funding and financing needs and potential sources.

Program Timeline


Disadvantaged Business Participation Goals

June - August 2021

Current Funding Sources

Current Expenditures

$ Amount spent through August 2021*

Authorized budget through October 2021

Authorized approved budget through 2021*

Consultant Representation by Geographic Area

As of August 2021

Previous Accountability Dashboards

Accountability Dashboard V.1 January - May 2021