Accountability Dashboard - September 2023
Listening, learning, and reporting back to our community.
Accountability Dashboard
This accountability dashboard is a voluntary transparency tool that provides quarterly updates on our engagement with the community. Biannual updates related to financial and contracting metrics can be found under the Reporting tab.
Community Meetings
July - September 2023
Meetings held include community briefings and advisory committee meetings.
Social Media Engagements
July – September 2023
Media Stories
July - September 2023
Media stories generated about the IBR program between July and September.
Comments Received
July - September 2023
Office Hours Visitors
July - September 2023
In person and virtual office hours were launched to allow community members to meet with the program team to ask questions and share their feedback. From July-September we had eight community members attend.
Newsletter Subscribers
Subscribers to date
Advisory Group Meeting Engagement
July - September 2023
Meeting views are those who viewed the meeting from YouTube either during the presentation or at a later time/date. These numbers are reflective of the advisory group meetings from July - September 2023.
Group | Meeting Views |
Community Advisory Group | 297 |
Equity Advisory Group | 207 |
Community Benefits Advisory Group | 125 |
July - September 2023
Caption Services | Total |
Meetings with captions | 5 |
Meetings with ASL | 5 |
Documents Remediated | 30 |
The program provided ASL interpretations and closed captioning for public meetings and events hosted by the program.
Documents and meeting presentations are remediated and made ADA compliant before posting to our website.
Videos Produced
July - September 2023
Content was created to recap a discussion on multimodal transportation's equity consideration as part of an Equity Roundtable. Program Administrator Greg Johnson addressed social media comments in the video Transparent Transportation, Episode 2. As part of a meet the staff series, Civil Rights Manager Aidan Gronauer and Public Affairs Lead Katy Belokonny were highlights, a spotlight video on the Mini-Grant Program was produced. There were an additional 21 video shorts created for social media to engage the community.
YouTube Lifetime Views
Since program launch
Lifetime YouTube views are all of the views from the IBR channel since the program started uploading videos.
Website Visitors
July - September 2023
An anonymous website metric which tracks users visiting a website. This metric includes new users and returning visitors, but does not include the numbers of pages viewed which is substantially higher.

Summer Fairs & Festivals
As part of ongoing community engagement efforts, the IBR team spoke to more than 1,200 people by tabling at community events in Portland and Vancouver this summer. These events provided a chance for community members in and around the program corridor to learn about the program, provide feedback, ask questions and submit comments. Visit our Meetings & Events calendar to find us at upcoming community events!
Thank you for those that joined us at the following events:
Bridge Pedal, Kenton Farmer's Market, Rae Gordon Concert Event, We Outside Concert Event, MLK Dream Run, Vancouver Peace & Justice Fair, Vancouver Farmer's Market, Waterfront Concert Series, Sunday Sounds Concert Series, Eastside Community Picnic, and Bridgeton Summer Picnic.
Mini Grants for Community-Based Organizations
The application period for the second round of small-scale, low-barrier grant program for community-based organizations closed on September 10, 2023. Out of 45 applications, eight were chosen – four each from Oregon and Washington – that collectively serve all of the equity priority community groups identified by the program. The new organizations will assist with outreach to help educate and inform the equity priority communities they serve on the upcoming release of the Draft SEIS.
IBR Office Hours
Starting in August 2023, the program began offering weekly timeslots for community members to connect with a member of the team to learn more about the program, get their questions answered, and provide feedback. Office Hours will be available at various times and days of the week, either in-person or virtually, through the release of the Draft SEIS.
You can view upcoming Office Hours opportunities on our Meetings & Events calendar
IBR Convenes New Advisory Group on Community Benefits

Community Advisory Group Highlights
Between July and September, the Community Advisory Group received program updates on topics such as the Oregon Legislature’s commitment of $1 billion in funding, the pursuit of federal grants and community engagement efforts throughout the summer to connect with and educate the public about the IBR program. CAG members also held discussions on topics such as the program’s “people-first” design approach, public transportation improvements and investments in lower Vancouver, Hayden Island and Expo/Marine Drive areas.
Equity Advisory Group Highlights
Between July and September, the Equity Advisory Group discussed and worked on a number of key initiatives that support the program’s equity goals. That includes the launch of a second round of small-scale grants for Community Based Organizations, the creation of an internal staff equity council, and a robust conversation around how the program’s Equity Framework is being applied. They also heard from the IBR design team regarding proposed investments and how the program can convey messages through video to support better understanding of the program area.
What we've heard and how we're responding
Many are curious about the estimated cost of the program and how it will be funded. People are also wondering what bridge tolling will look like.
The public is eager to learn how the program will improve reliability and when traffic modeling related to future travel times will be available.
The program continues to receive questions about the possibility of a tunnel option.
Updated through June 2023. Contracting and expenditure data is updated two times a year. The data takes longer to receive and compile and may not be available until months after the reported timeframe. The program will continue to share accountability reports and develop additional reporting metrics.
The most recent updated finance reports provide information about the economic impact analysis, finance planning and risk assessment efforts completed for components included in the Modified Locally Preferred Alternative which were approved for further analysis in July 2022. Cost estimates and financial plans will continue to be updated as the program is refined.
Current reports are listed to the right. For more information, visit our library.
Financial Reports
Economic Impact of IBR Program Capital Investment (April 2023)
IBR Financial Plan (April 2023)
Quantitative Risk Assessment Summary (April 2023)
Quantitative Risk Assessment Report (April 2023)
Bi-state and Legislative Reports
2022 Legislative Progress Report (December)
2022 Legislative Progress Report (June)
Community Engagement Reports
2021 Fall Community Engagement Report
2021 Spring Community Engagement Report
Program Timeline
The program is utilizing past work as appropriate to maximize past investment and support efficient decision-making, while also taking into account changes that have occurred since the previous planning process to identify a solution that meets current and future community needs and priorities. The IBR program will work with the community, as well as local, state, federal and tribal partners to complete the following work in the coming years:
- Complete the environmental review process
- Obtain state and federal permits
- Finalize program design
- Develop a finance plan
- Secure adequate funding
- Complete right-of-way acquisition
- Advertise for construction
The program is working with partners to identify what has changed and what design options should be considered through a transparent, data-driven process to address these changes and identify an IBR solution that best meets the needs for the region. The IBR solution will be submitted to federal agency partners at the Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration as part of a re-evaluation required under the National Environmental Policy Act. The re-evaluation will document the extent of new impacts based on the changes recommended to determine the next steps in the federal environmental process.
The following chart provides an overview of the target timeline goals for the general buckets of work that need to be completed to begin construction. Community and stakeholder engagement will continue through construction.
Category | Start Date | End Date |
Program Launch | Fall 2020 | Winter 2021 |
Planning | Fall 2020 | Winter 2022 |
Environmental | Summer 2021 | 2024 |
Design | Winter 2021 | 2026 |
Permitting | Summer 2024 | 2026 |
Pre-Construction | Summer 2024 | 2026 |
Community Engagement | Fall 2020 | Ongoing |
Disadvantaged Business Participation Goals
Through June 2023*
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) are for-profit small business concerns where socially and economically disadvantaged individuals own at least a 51% interest and also control management and daily business operations.
Contractual Obligation | Current Participation |
15% | 15% |
Current Funding Sources
* The 2023 IBR financial plan identifies a mix of funding sources needed to complete construction, including state contributions ($1B from each state), tolling (approximately $1.24 billion) and federal grants (approximately $2.5B)
- Committed Funding
- Oregon:
- $55,000,000 – CFDA 20.205, title Highway Planning and Construction, Federal Aid Highway Program Funds
- $1,000,000,000 - Committed through HB 5005 (2023). $250,000,000 authorized for bonding in 2023-25 biennium.
- Washington:
- $45,000,000 – WA State Motor Vehicle account funds.
- $117,000,000 – Committed through Connecting Washington transportation package for Mill Plain Interchange improvements, which are within the IBR program area. Original commitment of $98,000,000 increased to $117,000,000 in 2023 legislative session to reflect inflation to future year of expenditure dollars.
- $1,000,000,000 - Committed through the Move Ahead WA transportation package. $137,500,000 allocated for 2023-25 biennium.
- Federal Grants:
- $1,000,000 - Bridge Investment Program Planning Grant awarded October 2022
Current Expenditures
Through June 2023*
IBR Program Work | Spent through June 2023* |
WSDOT | $ 3,905,271 |
ODOT | $ 4,337,229 |
General Engineering Consultant** | $ 70,186,225 |
Intergovernmental Agreements | $ 6,169,611 |
*Spending reflects all costs associated with program work since efforts were reinitiated in July 2019, including labor, equipment, and expenses. Oregon and Washington states have agreed to share costs equally, but the timing of funding and expenditures will vary.
**General Engineering Consultant figure reflects costs incurred for work performed through the date indicated.
GEC Expenditures
Expenditures Through June 2023*
Description |
Expenditures Through June 2023 |
Program Management |
11,335,973 |
Program Controls |
7,299,858 |
Financial Structures |
3,270,074 |
Communications |
9,848,779 |
Transportation Planning |
4,928,873 |
Environmental |
10,138,260 |
Transit Planning/Engineering |
5,187,875 |
Design Engineering |
9,330,844 |
Major Structures |
3,872,398 |
Public Affairs/Partner Relations |
1,771,258 |
Direct Expense |
2,057,680 |
Consultant Representation by Geographic Area
Through June 2023*
PNW firms are firms with offices in OR and WA, that are not in the Portland/Vancouver region.
Portland / Vancouver - 51%
Northwest - 32%
Other - 17%
Previous Accountability Dashboards
Accountability Dashboard V.9 April - June 2023
Accountability Dashboard V.8 January - March 2023
Accountability Dashboard V.7 October - December 2022
Accountability Dashboard V.6 July - September 2022
Accountability Dashboard V.5 April - June 2022
Accountability Dashboard V.4 January - March 2022
Accountability Dashboard V.3 September - December 2021
Accountability Dashboard V.2 June - August 2021
Accountability Dashboard V.1 January - May 2021
Number of comments received via email, the website form and public comments from presentations held by the Community Engagement team.