
Program News

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Program Administrator Greg Johnson

Recent News

  • August Newsletter 2024

    In this issue, read about FHWA Administrator Shailen Bhatt joining Oregon and Washington leaders to commemorate IBR's BIP Grant award and the upcoming Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement.
    POSTED Aug 14 2024 READ MORE
  • July Newsletter 2024

    The IBR program gains more momentum with the award of $1.499 billion through the Federal Highway Administration’s Bridge Investment Program. Check out our newsletter to learn more about this and our recent appearance on KGW's Straight Talk. 
    POSTED Jul 18 2024 READ MORE
  • IBR program awarded $1.499 billion FHWA Bridge Investment Program grant

    Federal support demonstrates multimodal Interstate Bridge replacement is national priority  

    POSTED Jul 12 2024 READ MORE
  • June Newsletter 2024

    Summer is just around the corner, and that means fairs, farmers markets, summer concerts and other community events are beginning to fill up the calendar. Check out our newsletter to learn more about these events and our recent roundtable focused on active transportation. 
    POSTED Jun 07 2024 READ MORE
  • May Newsletter 2024

    Learn more about an industry event hosted by program that hosted over 300 people representing construction-related firms of all sizes - and the release of the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement planned for late 2024.
    POSTED May 15 2024 READ MORE
  • April Newsletter 2024

    This month features the release of a Regional Infrastructure Workforce Study commissioned by the IBR program to better understand the strengths and opportunities within the region’s construction labor market. The workforce study analyzes the current and projected supply of construction workers and skilled tradespeople anticipated to be needed to support the more than 100 public infrastructure projects slated in the region in the next five years. 
    POSTED Apr 08 2024 READ MORE
  • March Newsletter 2024

    This month covers USDOT Secretary Pete Buttigieg's visit and his support for replacing the Interstate Bridge, in addition to learning about the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Process.
    POSTED Mar 08 2024 READ MORE
  • February Newsletter 2024

    This month covers USDOT Secretary Pete Buttigieg's visit and his support for replacing the Interstate Bridge, in addition to highlighting the IBR program's engagement with Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and the planned release of the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement.
    POSTED Feb 16 2024 READ MORE
  • January Newsletter 2024

    If 2023 had an overarching theme for the Interstate Bridge Replacement program, we believe it would be “connections.” As we enter 2024, we are taking a moment to reflect, not just on the significant milestones we passed this year, but all the relationships we’ve gained. We hope you will take a moment with us to celebrate what made 2023 a truly special year.
    POSTED Jan 11 2024 READ MORE
  • Interstate Bridge Replacement program awarded $600 million in USDOT Mega Grant Program funding

    Federal support demonstrates multimodal Interstate Bridge replacement is national priority  

    POSTED Dec 15 2023 READ MORE
  • December Newsletter 2023

    Learn more about Washington Governor Jay Inslee's recent visit to the Interstate Bridge and the launch of IBR Listening Sessions, hosted in partnership with community-based organizations to engage equity priority communities.
    POSTED Dec 15 2023 READ MORE
  • November Newsletter 2023

    The November newsletter focuses on the release of the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement in early 2024, informs on geotechnical drilling under the Columbia River, and summarizes recent community engagement activities and feedback. 

    POSTED Nov 17 2023 READ MORE
  • October Newsletter 2023

    The October newsletter introduces the newly formed Community Benefits Advisory Group that will focus on recommendations for community benefit efforts. Take a look to learn more and see how we've been engaging the community. 

    POSTED Oct 12 2023 READ MORE
  • Community Benefits Advisory Group

    Interstate Bridge Replacement program to hold kickoff meeting for Community Benefits Advisory Group.

    Group will recommend ways to leverage program work to achieve greatest benefits for the community 

    POSTED Sep 25 2023 READ MORE
  • September Newsletter 2023

    The September newsletter covers funding updates including the recently submitted application for the USDOT National Infrastructure Project Assistance (Mega) program. It also highlights up and coming community engagement events. 

    POSTED Sep 06 2023 READ MORE
  • Community engagement grants

    Interstate Bridge Replacement program opens second round of community engagement miniature grants.

    Grant program offers funding to facilitate engagement and expand program involvement for equity priority communities

    POSTED Aug 10 2023 READ MORE
  • August Newsletter 2023

    The August newsletter covers updates from the July Bi-State Legislative Committee meeting and announces IBR office hours; an opportunity for community members to connect directly with the IBR team. 

    POSTED Aug 09 2023 READ MORE
  • July Newsletter 2023

    The July newsletter highlights IBR Design Manager Matt Deml and features a new release of "Transparent Transportation", where Program Administrator Greg Johnson dives headfirst into our social media comments.

    POSTED Jul 10 2023 READ MORE
  • June Newsletter 2023

    The June Newsletter highlights new bridge visualizations and focuses on how the program is prioritizing equitable engagement.

    POSTED Jun 08 2023 READ MORE
  • May Newsletter 2023

    The May Newsletter features Jim Ruddell, IBR Program Manager, and announces new in-person engagement events this spring. Hope to see you there!

    POSTED May 05 2023 READ MORE
  • April Newsletter 2023

    The April Newsletter highlights the importance of the National Environmental Policy Act and what it means for the program, and spotlights Hayli Reff, IBR Cultural Resources Program Manager.

    POSTED Apr 13 2023 READ MORE
  • March Newsletter 2023

    The March Newsletter highlights the economic benefits the IBR program will bring and summarizes our recent community engagment events. In honor of Women's History Month, we feature women leaders in transportation and how they navigate challenges and contribute to what has been traditionally considered a male-dominated field.

    POSTED Mar 10 2023 READ MORE
  • February Newsletter 2023

    The February Newsletter recognizes yet another year for the aging Interstate Bridge, now 106, and provides information on why a replacement is time-sensitive. In honor of Black History Month, we reflect on discussions regarding the impact that large infrastructure programs have had on Black communities.

    POSTED Feb 17 2023 READ MORE
  • January Newsletter 2023

    The January Newsletter highlights program milestones in 2022 and provides information on the new cost estimate and the Preliminary Economic Impact Analysis. 

    POSTED Jan 20 2023 READ MORE
  • New cost estimate for Interstate Bridge Replacement

    Interstate Bridge Replacement program announces new $6 billion cost estimate.
    New estimate reflects current conditions, risks and opportunities

    POSTED Dec 09 2022 READ MORE
  • December Newsletter 2022

    The December newsletter highlights program milestones in 2022 and introduces Kristin Leonard, our new Public Affairs Advisor.  

    POSTED Dec 08 2022 READ MORE
  • November Newsletter 2022

    The November edition provides information on the recently awarded Federal Bridge Investment Program grant and highlights new members of the IBR executive leadership team. 

    POSTED Nov 17 2022 READ MORE
  • IBR program awarded $1 million federal Bridge Investment Program grant

    The U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration announced this week that the bi-state Interstate Bridge Replacement program has been awarded a $1 million Bridge Investment Program Planning Grant. 

    POSTED Oct 14 2022 READ MORE
  • October Newsletter 2022

    The October edition covers earthquake preparedness, Interstate Bridge maintenance, and program highlights. 

    POSTED Oct 07 2022 READ MORE
  • September Newsletter 2022

    This fall, the IBR program begins environmental evaluation of the Modified Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) as required by federal law. Learn more about the process and next steps in our September 2022 newsletter. 

    POSTED Sep 07 2022 READ MORE
  • August Newsletter 2022

    The August edition provides updates on the Modified LPA Recommendation, the environmental review process, and features a video of the program area.  

    POSTED Aug 03 2022 READ MORE
  • Regional partners endorse Modified Locally Preferred Alternative

    Regional consensus on foundational elements to study in the federal environmental review process moves the IBR program into the next phase of the process

    POSTED Jul 21 2022 READ MORE
  • July Newsletter 2022

    The July edition provides updates on the Modified LPA Recommendation, the Coast Guard reccomendation for the bridge height, and progress made at Advisory meetings.  

    POSTED Jul 13 2022 READ MORE
  • U.S. Coast Guard required clearance

    The IBR program respects the Coast Guard’s focus on preserving navigation for the nation and is committed to working with the agency to identify a bridge replacement solution with a navigational clearance that addresses the needs of all users.

    POSTED Jul 08 2022 READ MORE
  • June Newsletter 2022

    The June edition features a Q&A video with Program Administrator, Greg Johnson about the current status of the IBR program, debunks commonly heard myths, and updates the community on advisory group progress.  

    POSTED Jun 10 2022 READ MORE
  • May Newsletter 2022

    Featuring the IBR program recommendation for the Modified LPA and a new video from Director Kris Strickler, ODOT. 

    POSTED May 10 2022 READ MORE
  • April Newsletter 2022

    Climate-Smart Solutions, Tolling Information, Hayden Island/Marine Drive Interchange Analysis and more.

    POSTED Apr 14 2022 READ MORE
  • March Newsletter

    Black History Month roundtable event recap, Senator Annette Cleveland & Representative Susan McLain, High-Capacity Transit Analysis and more!

    POSTED Mar 09 2022 READ MORE
  • February Newsletter

    Fall Community Engagement Report | Now Available

    Program Administrator, Greg Johnson, dives headfirst into social media comments in our latest video series, Transparent Transportation.

    Hayden Island and Marine Drive technical screening analysis underway

    POSTED Feb 03 2022 READ MORE
  • January Newsletter

    Year in Review:
    A highlight of our outreach efforts and program accomplishments for 2021, along with opportunities to participate in 2022. 

    POSTED Jan 07 2022 READ MORE
  • December Newsletter

    Featured this month:
    Learn about Preliminary Design Options and hear from Senator Beyer on why replacing the Interstate Bridge is essential. 

    POSTED Dec 09 2021 READ MORE
  • November Newsletter

    Featured this month:
    Fall Engagement Opportunities
    - Visit our online open house and attend a community briefing. 
    Earthquake Vulnerability - Watch how the Interstate Bridge could be impacted in a seismic event.

    POSTED Nov 05 2021 READ MORE
  • October Newsletter

    Featured this month:
    Representative Sharon Wylie of the 49th Legislative District in Washington State shares her views and priorities for the Interstate Bridge replacement.
    PLUS - Advisory group meeting summaries, bridge stories, leadership spotlight...and more!

    POSTED Oct 07 2021 READ MORE
  • September Newsletter

    Featured this month:
    - What's Been Happening
    - Myth vs Fact
    - Leadership Spotlight 
    - On the Horizon

    POSTED Sep 02 2021 READ MORE
  • August Newsletter

    Featured this month:
    - What's Been Happening
    - Myth vs Fact
    - Intern Spotlight
    - On the Horizon

    POSTED Aug 03 2021 READ MORE
  • July Newsletter

    Featured this month:
    - What's Been Happening
    - Myth vs Fact
    - Let's Talk Communications

    POSTED Jul 01 2021 READ MORE
  • June 17 ESG Meeting Cancelled

    The Executive Steering Group meeting schedule has been revised to reflect ongoing work. An update on these efforts will be given at the next ESG meeting on July 15.

    POSTED Jun 11 2021 READ MORE
  • May & June Listening Sessions

    Have Your Voice Heard
    Join an upcoming listening session.

    POSTED May 04 2021 READ MORE
  • May Newsletter

    Featured this month:
    - Program Updates
    - Myth vs Fact
    - Leadership spotlight: Assistant Program Administrators, Frank Green and Ray Mabey

    POSTED May 01 2021 READ MORE
  • April Newsletter

    Featured this month:
    - Prioritizing climate and sustainability considerations
    - Share your thoughts at a listening session
    - Leadership spotlight: Climate Officer, Sarah Ogier, and Environmental Manager, Chris Regan

    POSTED Apr 27 2021 READ MORE
  • March Newsletter

    Featured this month:
    - Community engagement preliminary findings
    - Focused listening sessions
    - Leadership profiles: Ed Washington and Lynn Valenter

    POSTED Apr 01 2021 READ MORE
  • April Multimodal Commuter Listening Session

    The program plans to hold additional listening sessions in the coming months, starting with a session to hear from multimodal commuters on April 22 from 5:30 - 7 pm. Commuters who use any type of transportation mode to cross the bridge on a daily basis to connect from home to work or school are invited to share their experience and feedback. Register to participate at

    POSTED Apr 01 2021
  • February Newsletter

    The information gathered during the February community outreach events will help update the Purpose and Need and establish the Vision and Values for the program, which together will be used to screen alternatives in order to identify a solution to replace the bridge.

    POSTED Feb 28 2021 READ MORE
  • Join the Conversation!

    Anyone interested in the bi-state Interstate Bridge Replacement program is invited to participate in public meetings and events in the month of February.

    POSTED Feb 05 2021 READ MORE
  • Public invited to 10 Interstate Bridge Replacement program virtual meetings and events in February

    All meetings are opportunities for community voices to be heard, including two-week online open house

    POSTED Jan 29 2021 READ MORE
  • Welcome to the Interstate Bridge Replacement program

    Enewsletter - Welcome!

    POSTED Jan 29 2021 READ MORE
  • Interstate Bridge Replacement program selects Community Advisory Group members

    Program also launches new website and social media accounts

    POSTED Jan 21 2021 READ MORE
  • Update: The Equity Advisory Group meeting has been rescheduled to Monday, Jan. 25 from 5:30-7:30 p.m.

    POSTED Jan 14 2021
  • January advisory group meetings scheduled

    The bi-state Interstate Bridge Replacement (IBR) program will host advisory group meetings on Jan. 20, 25 and 27; all who are interested are welcome to attend. 

    POSTED Jan 07 2021 READ MORE
  • Thank you!

    Thank you to those who applied to serve on our program Community Advisory Group and Equity Advisory Group. 

    POSTED Dec 28 2020 READ MORE
  • Apply for our Advisory Groups by Dec. 18, 2020

    Applications to serve on our Community Advisory Group or Equity Advisory Group are available Dec. 1-18, 2020.

    POSTED Dec 01 2020 READ MORE
  • Advisory Group application period coming soon

    Stay tuned! Applications to serve on the Community Advisory Group or Equity Advisory Group will be available Dec. 1-18, 2020

    POSTED Nov 18 2020 READ MORE
  • Public invited to Executive Steering Group kickoff meetings Nov. 6 and Nov. 30

    Anyone interested in the bi-state Interstate Bridge Replacement Program can attend the Executive Steering Group’s (ESG) introductory meeting from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 6. This virtual meeting is the first of two kickoff sessions, with the second meeting scheduled for 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 30.

    POSTED Oct 23 2020 READ MORE
  • Meet Greg Johnson

    Meet Greg Johnson, the Program Administrator hired by ODOT and WSDOT to lead the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program.

    POSTED Jun 11 2020 READ MORE