Dashboard Archives

Accountability Dashboard

Listening, learning and reporting back to our community. 


Accountability Dashboard  

This accountability dashboard is a voluntary transparency tool that provides quarterly updates on our engagement with the community. Biannual updates related to financial and contracting metrics can be found under the reporting tab. 


Community Presentations and Events


July - September 2024

Comments Received


July - September 2024

Office Hours Visitors


July - September 2024

Social Media Engagements


July - September 2024

Newsletter Subscribers


Subscribers to date

Media Stories


July - September 2024

Advisory Group Meeting Engagement

July-September 2024


July - September 2024

Videos Produced


July - September 2024

YouTube Lifetime Views


Since program launch

Website Visitors


July - September 2024


IBR hosts events to learn about the Draft SEIS!

The IBR Program held two virtual Draft SEIS public briefings on Aug. 20 and 24 to inform the community about the upcoming publication of the Draft SEIS and the Determination of Eligibility and Finding of Effect documents for historic properties as part of the Section 106 process. The virtual public briefings had garnered 377 views by the end of September. 

During the Equity Roundtable on Sept. 10, panelists discussed the importance of public engagement and how community input can impact project outcomes. IBR program leadership emphasized the importance of the upcoming public comment period and how feedback could be used to influence decisions.

On Sept. 20, the Program hosted a press conference to promote the release of the Draft SEIS, as well as provide the public with information on how to access the document and what they can expect to see when reviewing it. The event was part of a comprehensive outreach effort to get the word out and resulted in several local media outlets producing stories to highlight the publication of the Draft SEIS and opening of the public comment period.

Community Advisory Group Highlights

Community Advisory Group members convened twice in Q3 2024. In August, the CAG received news of the $1.49 billion award from the Federal Highway Administration’s Bridge Investment Program (BIP) grant and learned about the Health Analysis being conducted by the Washington State Department of Health in coordination with the Oregon Health Authority and local public health departments. Members shared their feedback on health concerns related to the program. The meeting also covered planned engagement activities for the upcoming Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) public comment period. In September, the CAG focused on the upcoming release of the Draft SEIS and 60-day public comment period. Members discussed planned community engagement activities and heard about the upcoming Section 106 public comment period. Members also reviewed the active transportation roll map

Equity Advisory Group Highlights

The Equity Advisory Group met twice in Q3 2024, with discussions in July focused on the Health Analysis conducted by the Washington Department of Health in coordination with the Oregon Health Authority and local public health departments. Members highlighted community concerns like noise, water quality, asthma rates, food deserts, mental health and equity challenges related to data collection. They emphasized the importance of addressing the social determinants of health and the long-term impacts on equity-priority communities. In September, members discussed the upcoming release of the Draft SEIS process and 60-day public comment period. The meeting also covered the Section 106 process and corresponding public comment period, workforce equity, small and disadvantaged business outreach and questions about the environmental and economic impacts of the project. 

Community Benefits Advisory Group Highlights

Members of the Community Benefits Advisory Group met three times in Q3 2024. These meetings focused on key program updates and discussions around community benefits, health, equity and construction impacts related to the IBR program. In July, members reviewed health concerns as part of an update on the Health Analysis work being conducted, including air quality, noise, and traffic safety. The group also brainstormed design ideas for the Physical Design category that integrate equity, history, and culture. In August, the group celebrated the announcement of the BIP grant award and explored workforce equity strategies, emphasizing job training, workforce development, and long-term employment opportunities, especially for disadvantaged communities. In September, discussions centered on refining recommendations in the Avoid Further Harm category, including mitigating construction impacts and addressing transportation and housing needs, such as exploring opportunities to address the relocation and housing needs of people experiencing homelessness.  

What we've heard and how we're responding

Community members are curious about opportunities to provide their feedback on the proposed plans to replace the Interstate Bridge, design options and the findings of impacts and benefits within the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement.  

The public is eager to see further design details and illustrations of what a replacement bridge might look like.   

Many in the community inquire whether the current Interstate Bridge will remain open during construction.  


Updated through June 2024. 
Contracting and expenditure data is updated two times a year. The data takes longer to receive and compile and may not be available until after the reported timeframe. The program will continue to share accountability reports and develop additional reporting metrics.

The most recent updated finance reports provide information about the economic impact analysis, finance planning and risk assessment efforts completed for components included in the Modified Locally Preferred Alternative which were approved for further analysis in July 2022. Cost estimates and financial plans will continue to be updated as the program is refined.  

Current reports are listed to the right. For more information, visit our library. 

Disadvantaged Business Participation Goals

Through September 2024*

Disadvantaged Business Contract Values

Awarded contract amounts to DBEs to date by race/ethnicity through September 2024*

Current Funding Sources

* The 2023 IBR financial plan identifies a mix of funding sources needed to complete construction, including state contributions ($1B from each state), tolling (approximately $1.24 billion) and federal grants (approximately $2.5B)

Current Expenditures

Through June 2024*

GEC Expenditures

Expenditures Through June 2024*

Consultant Representation by Geographic Area

Through June 2024*

Program Timeline